
Showing posts from January, 2022

Transfer Pricing & Digital Business Model | GTP GlobalTransferPricing

Digitalization is now a ubiquitous phenomenon in today’s business world. In multinational corporate groups and other mid-sized organizations involved in international business and cross-border transactions, almost every inhouse employee and expert of external business partners are established with digital workstations and integrated IT systems. Such digital integration is deployed for intra-group processes between staff as well as for exchanges with external stakeholders like suppliers and customers, service providers, strategic partners, and even governmental authorities. Hence, almost all data and information required for managing a transfer pricing system and the inherent tax compliance work is already digital – today and, of course, tomorrow. For example, product engineering solutions (e.g. GIS), systems of Economic Resource Planning (ERP), document management systems and enterprise content management systems (ECM), collaboration platforms within the group, external database resour